During a recent conversation with a friend living in Austria, he told me about a diet he had been on that had proved highly successful. In fact, although it took some time to adjust, he was able to incorporate it into his everyday life as a permanent change. It did not call for pills. There were no points to count or complicated plans to adhere to. There were not any prepackage frozen meals and he didn't even have to stop eating the things he loved. There was just one simple rule - cut your portions in half. Now this may seem painful and difficult to achieve, however, there are some simple tricks that help.
1) Cook only what is to be eaten at each meal and serve it up on a plate. This will prove so helpful in numerous ways.
Temptation to eat more is virtually removed! Without heaping bowls served up the old fashioned family style sitting in front of your eyes, begging you to take second, third and fourth helpings, the chances are improved you'll finish your plate and be satisfied.
Portion size is much more easily controlled! Just make sure you know what a "normal portion" actually is and cut that in half. More on that topic coming up.
No left overs! Your refrigerator and environment will appreciate the fact that you are not buying a endless supply of plastic containers to save the left overs in, stock piling them high and taking up space on the shelves.
You'll won't need a second or double sized fridge running up your electric bill! You would be surprised how many families have one hidden in the garage or basement, just for this purpose.
No guilt and the accompanying boredom that comes with trying to finish it all off before it goes bad!
There will not be biology experiments growing in the back of the fridge, growing a rainbow of putrid colored molds until you can no longer recognize what it was to begin with.
Here in America, we are sinfully guilty of throwing away food, letting it go to waste, while people are starving. Over 100 billion pounds of edible food each year ends up in dumpsters and garbage cans. We should be ashamed.
Saves on money, supplies, electricity, time and calories while cutting down on waste. How can you go wrong with that formula?
2) Serve food on smaller plates. You wouldn't believe how large dishes have grown over time. There is a direct correlation between the increase in plate size to increase in waist size.
The size of a typical dinner plate back in the 1960's was 8 1/2 inches. By the 1970's they averaged 10 inches. Now they are 12 inches in diameter. This makes for a whopping 30% increase not only in material but calories as well. Is it any surprise that we are all growing at about the same rate?
Restaurants serve up heaping loads of food on platters that are 13 inches and up, 2-4 times the recommended serving size. Multiple that by the average family of four there is enough food family for a month in some countries.
Many of us were brought up with our mothers telling us to "finish everything on your plate". That may have been fine way back when, but now? Habit and adherence to Mom's words make us try to get our money's worth and compete everything right up to the last bite. No wonder so many people complain of feeling sick, bloated or as if they ate a cow as they walk out of most restaurants. It's not so far from the truth!
But don't worry you can always pollute the environment some more and have them pack it up in Styrofoam containers to pack away in the fridge with all your other leftovers that you'll snack on in between meals and late at night when it does the most harm.
Personally, my husband and I don't mind paying the extra dish fee and splitting a meal. The waiter may get nervous but we tip as though two meals had been served. In turn, we go home comfortablysatisfied and not adding a couple of pounds to the scale in return for over indulgence.
There is a move to try to get restaurants to use smaller plates, thus serving sizes. There's a plus to this. Less cost for the restaurant means they can spend more on higher quality products. And if you wonder why the French are so skinny? They eat well and in smaller portions. That's the difference between eating gourmet and pigging down at the trough.
3) Consider a few minor adjustments to what you put on your plate. Decrease the meat, fat and starchy foods and increase the the veggies or add a side salad (lite on the dressing). Your plate will still look full, but you'll be eating a healthier combo. High glycemic foods tend to crank up the hunger pangs. If you have to eat them, lower the portion and add more filler with lean protein and high fiber carbs.
It's amazing how we can trick our brains. The smaller plate or larger portion of veggies looks like we're getting MORE, so in turn your senses are satisfied.
However, if you're worried that your stomach doesn't listen to your brain, try couple of more tricks. Drink down a large glass of water before eating. It gives you the extra fluid your body probably doesn't get enough of in the first place and fills you. I find having the salad and allowing time for it to settle in before beginning dinner also quenches the appetite. Most people eat too fast; always on the run. This doesn't give the brain time enough to calculate the sensation of being full so you end up eating until your stomach is ready to explode instead. Let your brain lead the way. The stomach is a stupid organ.
4) Know your portion sizes. Read and learn. PORTION - NO! PORTION - NORMAL! HEALTHY PORTION.
Portion sizes have increased in every food group at a ridiculous rate. Chances are you have no idea what a normal portion size is anymore. Restaurants and fast food chains have brainwashed us into SUPER-SIZING everything including your ass, that now needs a chair the size of what the average love seat used to be.
Lets get real. The sample size is just about perfect. The kids size is more in line with the amount you should be limiting yourself to. The appetizer size is more than enough. Just listen to the name. Look at the words. They warn those intelligent to take heed. A WHOPPER, A BIG MAC, THE BACONATOR DOUBLE! ALL SERVED UP SUPER-SIZED. You WILL become what you eat! And as for your grandmother saying Mangia! She hates you for thinking of putting her in the old age home. She's serving up revenge - not love!
5) Choose where you eat carefully. Cheap, fast, unhealthy food subsidized by the government is designed for one thing - TO MAKE MONEY and KEEP YOU ADDICTED. Healthy natural foods, in normal portions may cost more, may they will not cost you your life.
6) Shop on a "as need" basis. Don't stockpile as though the end of the world is approaching. More frequent trips get you out and moving. It keeps the temptation to "graze" down.
So think about subtraction rather than addition, division rather than multiplication. LESS IS MORE. More healthy, more satisfying, more economical, more sensible. And like any good investment - you may start small, but it will pay in great dividends if invested long term.
The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Marriage & Obesity - A Growing Problem

In preparing for this special day, you both take to working out extra hard. After all, you want to look your best in front of all your guests and in the photos and videos you will treasure. With sweat and determination, she trims down to her lowest weight in ages because this is her day and she will be center stage. Dressed in flowing white lace and satin, a girl wants to shine. The two of you have never looked better. You can't your hands off each other, and the sex? It keeps getting better all the time.
The big day arrives. You exchange rings and vows to love one and other "for better or worse", "in sickness and in health", "till death do you part". After a romantic honeymoon you settle down and go about setting up a home. As far as you are concerned, like a good wine, your relationship will only grow better over time.
What you didn't expect was her new healthy lifestyle would take a back burner. Just like in college, she puts on the Freshman 15. But that's alright. She was almost too skinny for your taste. In time, she becomes pregnant and you couldn't be happier. You watch your shrinking violet bloom, and bloom and bloom some more. She argues that she is eating for two, but an army is more like it. The doctor is even concerned. He told the two of you that gaining 25-35 lbs was healthy. But she's already there and it's only been four months!
By the time she reaches full term the woman who started at 120 pounds is now closing in on 200. But she tells you not to worry, most of it is baby fat and will come off as soon as she starts working out again. Only, that never happens. Now, granted she drops 40 pounds within months after the baby is born, but the rest is too difficult to contend with between feedings and diapers. Again she tells you not to worry. Once things become easier on her, she will get back into shape. Another ten pounds slowly melt off, but that's where it stops.
A few years pass and once again the stork has you on his delivery list. She gains yet another 60 pounds. She cries that she can't help it, that the cravings have gotten the best of her. Your bride is now up near 200 again it's starting to take a toll on her health. After the baby arrives she manages to lose about 35 pounds, but the rest sticks like glue. Eating poorly because she's too pooped to cook, she turns to junk food for ease, polishing off what your first child doesn't complete.
Next thing you know her cholesterol and sugar levels have shot up. She's tired all the time between the kids and lack of exercise. You are waiting for her to tell you that this trend will change once the little one is out of diapers, but this time she is growing accustomed to her new curves and is militant about defending her weight. She is no longer as happy and sweet as she used to be, now proudly displaying the chip on her shoulder like a 5 carat diamond.
No longer do you do the things you used to. Long strenuous hikes are replaced by slow strolls on the beach. She is too busy, too tired and perhaps a little too self-conscious to have sex. So you back off, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. You go out of your way to prove that you love her skinny or chubby.
You admit, you also let yourself go during the first few years, now donning a small paunch where a once firm six pack used to reside. You might not be up to par with the prenuptial days, but there again, who is? You go to your ten year reunion and everyone has put on weight since you last saw each other, with maybe the exception of those still unattached. What is it about remaining single? You thought married people were happier and healthier, but you begin to wonder. And it's not just those with children who have expanded horizontally. Thinking back, you both put on some weight after that first year together.
Now I'm not trying to wage warfare on women here. (And the story above is a true personal account) This pattern is more common than you think and backed up by studies.
"With women, we saw incremental risk after one year," says Penny Gordon-Larsen, one of the two nutrition epidemiologists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) who conducted the study of nearly 7000 individuals in relationships. "The longer she live(s) with a romantic partner, the more likely she (i)s to keep putting on weight."^
Couples tend to try to spend quality time together at the dinner table, especially if both work. Then, once the kids are tucked in bed many spend the rest of the evening in front of the TV, snacks in hand. With a family, there's not as much freedom to run off to the gym. This often leads to expanding waistlines. However, all is not lost. If they work to support each other the cycle can be broken, but if one partner refuses to change their habits and they are no longer on the same page, tensions may mount.
There are several measures you can take to help things along.
If you have become lax about eating habits and lifestyle and this has led to obesity, what's the driving cause? Do you think you can ignore this important responsibility without serious consequences to your health and wellbeing, lifespan, physical capacity and endurance, self-image, and relationships? Can you really maintain your resolve to regain control someday despite the poor choices, bad habits and procrastination that brought you to this point? Are you all that confident hat it will be just as easy to get in shape when you are older? Do you actually believe that maintaining one's weight is purely a matter of aesthetics? Which comes to you more naturally - excuses or effort? And do you honestly feel that the only one you are hurting is yourself?
If you are worried about a partner's weight, why is this issue so important to you? Do you really want what's best for your partner's wellbeing or are you more concerned with how they look? While it is understandable that one may find an obese partner less sexually desirable, is that the only reason you were attracted in the first place? If so - you need to reevaluate your priorities. On the other hand, if health is you main concern - what can you do to help?
If you haven't broached this issue before, or have tried to do so with less than favorable results, explain that you have concerns regarding his or her health and that, when the time is right, you would like to talk about it. Timing, mood, and environment is everything when it comes to sensitive matters like this. Make it clear that your intent is to listen and be empathetic as much as you want your feelings to be acknowledged.
Express your thoughts in a supportive, loving fashion keeping it on a positive note. Emphasize issues such as health and longevity, letting them know that they are an essential part of your and your children's lives. Make it clear that your love is unconditional. If your partner recoils, remain calm and understanding. This problem is often deeply rooted. Above all - DO NOT NAG. That's the quickest way to give rise to defensiveness and end this discussion fast.
If you are the one with the weight problem and your partner expresses concern - listen him or her out. It's far to easy to jump conclusions and view this as an attack or sign that your relationship is at risk. Put yourself in the other's shoes. There have probably been times you have wanted them to "change" something or give up a bad habit for their own sake. This is no different.
Often, obesity is a symptom of a underlying problem, physical or psychological. See your MD to make sure it's not a thyroid disorder, hormone imbalance or a case of impaired metabolism. Consider adverse side effects of any medication that has been prescribed. Enlist the help of a nutrition specialist and make sure everyone in the household adopts a healthier lifestyle, even the kids. It's never too early to make better choices in how and what we eat. This needs to be a joint effort - all hands on deck. There are plenty of delicious substitutes for decadent and fattening delights and snacks. They not only save calories and dollars, they save lives.
Encourage your partner to become more active by taking the lead. Start small - such as taking the stairs, or parking farther away from the door when you go out together. Take walks and slowly increase the increments. This is a great time to de-stress and talk without interruption. Although many men loath the idea, take a dancing class as a couple. It's a fun way to get exercise. Try a spicy rumba, tango or salsa and don't forget to make time for romantic slow dances. This promotes intimacy and self esteem. Exercise boosts endorphins - the happy hormones. This fights off depression, a condition often associated with obesity.
If you still find yourself meeting up with resistance seek counseling, preferably from someone specializing in eating disorders and couples therapy. After all, this sort of problem affects everyone involved. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to shed light on all the hows and whys that led up to this condition. You will learn techniques to strengthen your relationship as well as yourself, and hopefully guide you both down the road to improving health habits.
Obesity will diminish the quality of your life and health. You are significantly cutting your life expectancy for every point over 25 on the BMI scale. Your mate may have vowed "in sickness and in health" and is faithfully sticking by your side, but what message do you send when you let bad habits come before ensuring your promise to be there for the long haul? And what about your kids? What values are you teaching them if you can't or won't take care of yourself? They want to know that their parent(s) is going to be alright and there for them as they grow. Also, remember, as a parent you are a role model. If you live an unhealthy lifestyle, chances are your family will too. This is not fair to them. Childhood obesity is on the rise. Don't resort to, "Do as I say, but not as I do." Actions speak louder than words alone.
There is often a lot of frustration, guilt and confusion on the part of those married to someone who has become obese. They may feel disappointed that the things that once brought you together have changed. The relationship may not be as fulfilling when you are not be able to pursue activities you once enjoyed together. Health concerns may cast a gloomy cloud over your future. Fear of losing a partner prematurely, financial concerns over health care, and withdrawal from intimacy may wreak havoc on a relationship further complicating matters. Let's face it - If you give up on yourself, you give up on both of you. Your body is your temple, and life is a miraculous gift. Don't destroy it.
Some people claim they are happy being obese, although that is usually an excuse to avoid fighting a battle seems overwhelming and can prove frustrating along the way. Some refuse to change until they are given "sufficient reason" such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer or diabetes. If declining health, shortening your life, worrying your children and spouse isn't enough, what is? A point has to come when the utter disregard for yourself and others is brought into question. It's time for the excuses to stop. No one is demanding perfection. This is not a competition to be The Biggest Loser, although we all could learn something from the sheer determination of the show's contestants.
Couples must carefully deal with these issues. Being supportive of a partner attempting to lose weight requires patience, selflessness, and the willingness to adopt the same lifestyle changes required of them. It can be a rewarding and educational experience for the whole family. Just make sure your motives are sincere, that your expectations are realistic, and that you have the same goal in mind - getting and staying healthy. Your spouse may not ever look the same as he or she did when you first met, but the beauty that is emitted from within when they find a new found sense of self-esteem, self-control and pride in their accomplishment cannot be beat.
If, however, your heart is no longer in it, if exterior looks outweigh better health, if you are sticking it out of fear of how others may view you or are afraid you may not be any better off on your own, if you've become a martyr for your partner's problems and are perhaps inadvertently supporting their habit by becoming a co-dependent and enabler you are not helping yourself, your spouse or your family. If you have tried everything and it can't be fixed - it may be time to make some hard decisions. Obesity takes a toll on everyone whose life is touched by it, especially those we love.
(Please note: this issue can apply to men as well as women, it is just more common among women.)
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1907143,00.html#ixzz1FPK4tbBg
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